There are a lot of things that make the holidays the most wonderful time of the year—including presents!

Signify is marking the occasion by giving away a Marketing Audit and Strategy Session, valued at $1,000!





Perhaps you have a marketing plan in place, but it needs some help. Or maybe you don't have a clue what you're supposed to be doing, but are eager to start.

Does your brand message stand out? Is your website working for you? What is your social media actually saying to your customers and donors?

I can help you answer these questions and more. This is an opportunity for you to get—or get back—on the right track. Once you put a strategy in place, you'll have a framework to filter all your business communications and marketing decisions.

Starts with a 60-minute introductory session. Then I'll take what we talked about and evaluate your current efforts (ex: website, social media, primary print/online assets), brainstorm new ideas, and give feedback on relevant systems. I'll also provide priority recommendations for moving forward. We'll finish with a final 60-minute session two weeks later to make sure you understand your new strategy.




A gift card just to say thanks. Consider it an extra "perk." ;)

You can even sip on your complimentary java while we chat about your communications plan.

Free + free = twice as nice!


To enter: You must completely fill out the easy-to-answer, one-page survey below. It should take you less than 10 minutes—especially because the first few questions are your name and email!

I'm doing my best to provide helpful, high-quality content on my newsletter, blog, and social media, but I need your help to make sure I'm still addressing what's most relevant to you. I want to help your nonprofit, social enterprise, or social impact company get noticed and grow through effective marketing and communications, and that means hearing directly from you! My one-on-one clients provide me with terrific feedback, but I'd love your input as well.


The fine-ish print: You must lead or work at a nonprofit or "do good" for-profit organization. Additionally, all questions on the survey must be completed for contest entry. You may take the survey anytime between December 1 and 31, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. ET. The winner will be randomly drawn and notified the first week of January. Marketing Audit and Strategy Session must be redeemed by March 31, 2023. By filling out the survey, you agree to receiving emails from Signify, but of course, you may unsubscribe anytime.






I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.



Nonprofits and social enterprises - Win a marketing audit and strategy session from Signify, valued at $1,000!    #nonprofit #socent #socialenterprise

7 Ways to Foster Team Growth That Will Make Your Organization Thrive

People are the biggest asset to your nonprofit or social enterprise. Volunteers, employees, partners, customers, and donors all help build your organization, and supporting those people in growing personally and professionally will further extend your mission into your community. When you allow talent to prosper, it benefits you, them, and the world at large.

And because our world is undergoing rapid change, the workforce has become highly competitive, multi-generational, and international. Retaining a positive, well-rounded team is vital for your organization's success. Investing in your people and letting them know they are valuable team members is crucial for your longevity, even if they are dedicated yet unpaid volunteers.

But how do you do this? Keep reading for seven ways to foster team growth that will make your organization thrive.

What Does It Mean to Grow People?

When you plant something, it must be nurtured, watered, and pruned. People respond well to similar methods. You’re bringing people into your organization to teach them about your mission so they can become the best advocates they can be. But no plant can grow without a little help! 

And since good people are in short supply, one of the best ways to keep them motivated is by creating a happy work environment. Nonprofit and social enterprise leaders must keep their fingers on the pulse of their people. Hiring new staff is an investment of time, stress, and money, so it’s better to ensure your team is well taken care of and foster an environment of growth and contentment. 

Give your team a sense of belonging in your organization. Water them by providing encouragement and fostering healthy workplace boundaries. Prune them by sharing lessons and educating them on your goals, expectations, and methods. Then watch them grow! 

Happy team members will want to stay. Pew Research alludes to the great resignation of 2022 and explains why people are leaving their jobs. Since the impact of the pandemic, more and more people have realized they weren’t fulfilled and that life is too short to work in an unhappy environment. 

To be clear, a less than desirable workplace often looks like little to no advancement opportunities, working long hours, and low pay, so take stock of what you offer from both your perspective and your team’s perspective.

People spend over 50% of their lives working—especially when the work is mission based. It can be extremely gratifying but also very exhausting at times. Why not make the workplace a happy, growing, advancing environment? When employees and volunteers know leaders are “for” them and want the best for them, it breeds loyalty to the leadership, the workplace, and the cause.

Make Your People Feel Important

People are multi-gifted, and sometimes it takes giving someone a new task to reveal a new talent. Leaders make a huge mistake by trying to do everything themselves and only delegating small tasks to other team members. 

You don’t have to do it all! Trust people by delegating the best tasks and not micro-managing. Allow your volunteers and employees to learn new things. Giving people important tasks makes them feel valued, trusted, and gives them autonomy. And it helps alleviate your workload, too. You no doubt want to grow your nonprofit or social enterprise, and it will take a diligent team to do so.

Also, take a look at your turnover rate. A high turnover rate is a sure indication that people are not happy. And those that stay will then find it difficult to establish connections and see their role as more than a job. 

When a social impact organization is able to keep the right people, it enhances the culture, the brand, and therefore, the mission. A happy staff creates a happy organization which gives the organization a quality reputation and allows you to reach even more people.

How To Retain High-Quality Talent for Your Nonprofit or Social Enterprise

  1. Value People

    The whole organization must be involved in the process of valuing each other. Reward service by telling stories of the amazing work people have done. If encouragement isn’t your first instinct, work at it. Leave post-it notes on computers with nice messages, or put a small gift of snacks in a communal area at the beginning of a long day. 

    This can be done virtually, too! Send quick messages or emails of gratitude every now and then, encourage team members to share something fun about their evening/weekend at the beginning of meetings, or send e-gift cards to show appreciation.

    Inspire your team with a story of accomplishment from a volunteer or staff member, and remember to give everyone a turn. Allow your leadership tone to highlight each person’s worth.

  2. Understand Your People

    Every person has unique motivations. Some are motivated by affirmation, others are inspired by feeling needed or providing for their family. As leaders, understanding each person's objectives, driving forces, anxieties, and potential roadblocks will earn a deep and mutual appreciation. When people feel understood, they are far more inclined to share their struggles.

    Understand that everyone you work with has a life outside of work. Their job may be their calling, but it is also a means to be paid to support themselves or their family. Volunteer work may be something they’re passionate about, but they’re also taking time out of their likely busy schedule to do so.

    Providing a balanced work-life environment in your organization is paramount. When people work for a calling, they become more driven, which can also wear them out. Mental health days are now a significant part of life and work, so take a look to see if this is something you can provide..

  3. Cultivate Managers Who Understand People

    People grow when you invest in them by cultivating strong leadership qualities. The development of everyone inside the organization should be a priority. Offer leadership programs and mentorship opportunities. These foster a culture of openness and transparency and enable your people to succeed. 

    Talking openly and regularly is a great first line of defense if you’re feeling an undercurrent of dissatisfaction.

  4. Offer Enough Opportunities for Growth

    At some point, people will have to retire. Invest in the younger people in your company to be competent fundraisers, salespeople, administrators, marketers, and talented people growers no matter their role. By the time the older staff are ready to pass on the baton, the younger generation will be prepared to take it. 

    Look out for people who make the best leaders early on. Teach them all they need to know to run the organization and trust them with challenging tasks that promote personal growth. Remember: Leaders also need a vacation!

    There are plenty of resources you can offer your team members (and take advantage of yourself) that can help foster growth. Check out courses on LinkedIn Learning, Udemy, or Coursera to start. You can search through hundreds of different courses and filter by subject, such as nonprofit management, social enterprise success tips, and leadership skills. Skye Learning also specializes in online courses and credentialing catered towards nonprofits, and offers more, too—and for free!

    You may also want to consider developing a mentor program within your social impact organization. This can be a great way to connect C-suite leaders with junior staff so they can learn more from someone who has worked in your organization longer, is more familiar with your mission, and has a wealth of career experience to share.

    Offering a continuing education program to your team is a great idea as well. Even if you don’t have much room in your budget, baking in a small amount for continued education can really motivate your team to continue developing their skills. This allows them to become more proficient in their role and more valuable to you!

  5. Recognize Outstanding Work

    People feel appreciated when their efforts are valued and recognized. Acknowledgment of employee or volunteer effort sparks discussions about building on their achievements and using their abilities for future tasks.

    According to statistics by Deloitte, companies with very effective recognition programs experience just over a 30% decrease in voluntary turnover. Meaningful work maintains a high level of staff engagement.

    Recognition is part of valuing your team members, but creating and implementing an official, formal recognition program takes it a step beyond just a note on a desk or an extra snack in the break room. You can outsource to a company like Motivosity or Rewardian to help you create a network for your team to recognize each other, and allow you to send cash rewards, spot bonuses, and personalized notes to individuals. 

    Your recognition program can also simply be what you make it. Providing raises and promotions where due, offering semi-regular perks such as free lunches, product discounts, or reimbursements, and hosting team building trips, conferences, and outings can all fall into this category.

    Recognition is important for morale. It leads to more engaged teams, happier workplaces, and higher productivity. So make sure your employees, volunteers, donors, and partners know you recognize their hard work! 

  6. Encourage Teamwork and Connection

    Outstanding managers create collaborative teams. People who experience working in a connected team environment are less inclined to explore other job possibilities. Volunteers who connect with other volunteers and feel appreciated are more likely to continue advocating for your organization and attract others.

    A happy work environment is also creative, where people are not afraid to put forward ideas. And an atmosphere that encourages critical thinking will add to an organization's problem-solving identity.

    Encourage teamwork, cooperation, and decision-making. Develop a reputation for dealing with problems swiftly and effectively without judgment. Create a light environment where people are playful and laugh often, even when you are advocating for a serious cause. Not only does it decrease stress, but it fosters connection with each other. 

  7. Build Organization Resilience

    In an ever-changing world, change is here to stay, and the only way to succeed is to accept it. According to the World Economic Forum, organizations that build resilience in the face of change are the most successful. A change management plan can guide and support your team through any rough waters and ensure a smooth transition.

    Leaders must build resilience within their teams by making the purpose of what they do clear and keeping open communication. When something happens, clearly define and explain it to your people. Determine what the effects are and communicate them, and then provide training and support to help your team adjust and adapt.

    Leaders must have the ability to move quickly and easily in the face of change. Encourage your teams to take ownership and create an environment of open communication and you’re well on your way to honing that ability.

You work hard to spread your mission, and part of that work is creating a team of people to help you do it. Fostering a healthy environment that encourages growth allows your volunteers and employees to thrive and motivates them to keep your social impact organization moving forward. 
When it comes down to it: The best way to keep great people is to want the best for them. Retaining people who believe in what you do and what they do creates longevity for your nonprofit or social enterprise. Purpose keeps the vision alive, so make sure your team knows that purpose and feels appreciated and empowered to let it shine.

Segba Eseoghene Keva Laya is a content writer with extensive experience in the field and with her own blog. In the future, she hopes to become a life coach and continue sharing ideas on her own website. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and International Studies from the University of Uyo.


I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.

How to Help Support the People of Ukraine Right Now

The war in Ukraine is a scary, heartbreaking tragedy to witness from afar, and multitudes worse for those experiencing it firsthand. Civilian homes and public infrastructure have been targeted and millions of citizens have fled their country in search of safety.     

Many of those left in Ukraine are not only left fearful for their lives but are also without basic necessities like water, heat, electricity, or access to stores and health facilities. Food and supplies are becoming increasingly scarce, and the need for humanitarian efforts and aid is only growing. 

Additionally, neighboring countries have generously welcomed scores of refugees, but their own systems are overwhelmed and ill-equipped for such a drastic response. Physical, emotional, and mental resources are all desperately needed, and of course, this is all happening amidst a global pandemic.

As we watch the crisis unfold over the news and on our social media feeds, it’s easy to feel distant and helpless. If you’re wondering how to help, here are some resources and ways you can support Ukraine now. 

Organizations to Support 

There are many organizations and nonprofits out there dedicated to humanitarian efforts. It can be difficult to parse through them all and decide who to support. 

Here are a few suggestions of trusted organizations actively working in Ukraine or with refugees nearby.

  1. Médecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)

    MSF staff are on the ground in Ukraine delivering medical care and supplies and working with local volunteers, organizations, health care professionals, and authorities to help people travel to health care facilities.

  2. UN Refugee Agency (UNHRC)

    UNHRC is a global organization dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of  refugees. They aim to provide emergency assistance to families in Ukraine. 

  3. International Medical Corps

    This global nonprofit has been serving Ukraine in primary medical care and mental health services. They are now working to help refugees and expand services for people affected by the current crisis.

  4. MAP

    MAP International provides medicines and health supplies to those in need.


    UNICEF supports health, sanitation, and protection and is also on the ground in Ukraine helping children and families. It is rated one of the best charities to donate to.

  6. Project HOPE

    In Poland, Romania, Moldova, and within Ukraine, Project HOPE emergency teams are delivering essential medicines and other relief for refugees and the displaced.

  7. World Central Kitchen

    World Central Kitchen provides meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises. The food network has set up mobile kitchens at border crossings around Ukraine to meet the needs of refugees. 

  8. CARE

    This international humanitarian group is providing food, water, and other essentials to those escaping violence in Ukraine.

  9. International Committee of the Red Cross

    ICRC is supporting the work of the Ukrainian Red Cross in helping those impacted by war.

  10. United Way Worldwide

    The nonprofit set up a relief fund to provide transportation, shelter, food, and medicine. Donations to the United for Ukraine Fund can be made here.

  11. SERV

    SERV is an Atlanta nonprofit that I personally know, and while they are primarily focused on food, they are also connecting with churches in Hungary and other border countries to get all kinds of resources to those in need.

Additionally, here is a list put together by the cybersecurity experts at Safety Detectives, and it also includes some charities for the animal lovers out there.

Finally, I’m also the CMO at Vector Global Logistics, and we are sponsoring two ocean containers of aid per month and hosting “Leveraging Logistics for Ukraine” working sessions for industry peers who are involved in this effort, or who would like to be.

These are just some of the many great organizations working to support the people of Ukraine. Looking into and donating to any of the above is a worthy contribution. 

How to Avoid a Scam 

While most organizations are in it for the right reasons and truly want to provide supplies and relief, there are always those willing to take advantage of a tragedy. It’s important to be careful when considering giving your support or money to an organization. 

The best thing you can do to avoid a scam is research. Websites like Charity Navigator or Give Well allow you to search organizations and evaluate your options. These nonprofits essentially do most of the work for you. 

Charity Navigator in particular has an assessment tool designed to protect donors from charity scams and misconduct by providing objective information. The star rating system makes it easy to quickly determine the key factors of an organization and ensure you’re “giving with confidence.”

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission also recommends including the words “scam” or “complaint” when searching for an organization online. This could bring up reviews from others and results that suggest if they are legitimate or not. 

And, of course, be wary of social media posts. Make sure to put in adequate research for any links, numbers, or GoFundMe pages you see that are soliciting donations before you contribute. 

Ways You Can Support Ukraine Now

So what can we do with all of this? How can we act now? You can show your support with any of the below actions.

  • Donate money to a trusted organization (like any of the above!).

  • Donate supplies or goods—get a group together or act alone. But this is most recommended for companies, nonprofits, and large organizations who have the ability to pay for shipping and also have distribution options on the ground. As individuals, a financial donation is your best bet.

  • Educate yourself on the crisis and talk with others about it.

  • Share credible information with friends, family, and colleagues.

  • Inspire and encourage others to get involved.

  • Participate in a peaceful protest or demonstration.

  • Stay informed. 

Creative Ways to Stand With Ukraine

While all of the above are incredibly helpful, if you want to take things a step further here are some more out-of-the-box ways people are stepping up to support Ukrainian people. 

  • Book an immediate Airbnb stay in a Ukrainian city - Many people have begun booking stays at various places around the country as a new way to send direct financial support to Ukrainians. Airbnb has also temporarily waived all host and guest fees in Ukraine. Be sure to communicate to the host that you will not actually be staying at their listing, but that you are just extending support. 

  • Purchase a digital download from a Ukrainian seller on Etsy - Ukrainian artists may not be able to ship physical items, but you can still purchase digital ones as another way to send direct funds to sellers and support small business owners in the region. Etsy also canceled current balances owed to Etsy by all sellers in Ukraine, including listing fees, transaction fees, advertising fees, and more.

  • Take an Uber - If you need to get a ride via a ride-sharing app, consider using Uber. The company announced they’re launching an in-app donation button to allow Uber riders in the US to make donations to the International Rescue Committee. They’re also matching donations up to $1 million. 

  • Go local - Research local businesses in your area that are supporting Ukraine. Many local restaurants and shops have begun to host events or donate profits to many of the above organizations. Here is a list of Atlanta restaurants and pop-ups that are supporting Ukraine. 

As with the charities above, do your research to make sure you are giving to a legitimate person or organization!

And even if all you can do is help spread awareness, that’s still incredibly impactful. There’s power in numbers, and the people of Ukraine need all the help they can get right now.

You know the power of social impact and involvement. Each of us truly can make a difference alone, but we all must work together to fight for freedom. 


I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.

How to Build a More Environmentally Friendly Business in 2022

As we head into a new year, one (quite important) thing seems to be at the forefront of all our minds: the environment. Every day we are inundated with more news about climate change, and it just seems to be getting worse.

Instead of becoming overwhelmed or losing hope, though, we should be taking a harder look at our own habits, both personally and professionally. Reducing, reusing, and recycling can make a difference—and so can our business practices. 

I attended my first Sustainable Brands Conference in October 2021 and was inspired by the examples of many companies that are already making big strides . . . and paving the way for others to do the same. 

And it’s clear that this isn’t a trend; it’s a movement. In fact, according to Andrew Winston, author of The Big Pivot and one of the conference speakers, the search term “sustainability” has grown 10 times since 2015, with more and more people wanting to empower themselves to become more eco-conscious. Like the proactive and caring people in the Signify community, these people want their purchases and their support for organizations to reflect that value, too. 

Companies and nonprofit organizations must take the lead and make an effort to build more sustainable models for our collective future. The demand for transparency and environmental efforts from all stakeholders is growing, and regardless of the pressure, we should all want to help keep this planet we call home safe, clean, and in good shape for future generations. 

Here are some key takeaways that I learned from the Sustainable Brands conference that can help your organization become more eco-aware and eco-friendly. 

colorful trees

What to Remember When Starting Your Environmental Journey

There were several overarching themes from the conference that I found particularly helpful when thinking about how to take action. Here are four things to keep in mind as you begin the journey towards a more sustainable business. 

  1. Be transparent 

    As briefly mentioned above, transparency is a big one to keep top of mind. It seemed to be on every speaker’s mind and was reiterated over and over again. Virginie Helias and Victor Aguilar of Procter & Gamble advised being upfront and honest about your successes and your failures. We can’t be perfect, but your audience values your effort towards creating a greener business, and they want to see it. 

  2. Go carbon positive

    We’ve all heard the common environmental buzzwords like “carbon emissions” and “greenhouse gases,” and we now know how harmful they are and how they contribute to climate change. Going carbon positive means taking more carbon and greenhouse gases out of the environment than you put in. It’s a step beyond carbon neutral. We need to do more than the bare minimum now (“carbon neutral”) and incorporate practices that help us stay carbon positive.

  3. Treat your employees well 

    Ethical business practices go hand-in-hand with creating a more sustainable organization, too. People want to support organizations that pay livable wages and treat their employees well. And when you follow this, you’re attracting the right people to your business who are aligned with your purpose. Treating your team well means building a strong foundation full of people who truly care about your organization and cause, and giving them the energy and motivation to keep your mission moving forward.

  4. Educate your audience

    Not only can you take action within your organization, but it’s also important to consider how you can help educate the masses. Your efforts can inspire people to make simple, day-to-day changes on an individual level as well. Eco-friendly brand messaging can serve as a resource for your audience and teach them how to change their behaviors. Collaboration internally and externally is vital in getting everyone on board—and we need everyone! 

    An example of this that was given is Tide and how they began educating people on the benefits of washing in cold water. It was an idea that everyone could understand in a 30-second commercial, but it was also a step people could easily take to make a difference and feel good about their choices. How can you do the same?

Eco-Friendly Practices for Product Creators and Sellers

One of the hardest parts of building a sustainable organization is knowing where to start. If this is your struggle, you are not alone.

The best place to start is to simply take a look at where you are currently and perform a bit of an eco-friendly audit. From there, you can begin to set some goals for yourself and your organization. 

A participant from a study conducted by one of the presenting companies summed up what most people want very nicely: "A good product at a fair price from a company that treats its employees well, has a clean supply chain, and cares about the planet." If you’re a product seller, here are three places you can start to make that happen:

  1. Evaluate your source materials

    Packaging is one of the most effective marketing channels, but is it also effective for your sustainability goals? If you sell products, consider switching to more compostable or recyclable materials such as cardboard and paper, or more recently developed materials like bagasse paper and mycelium (made of sugarcane fiber pulp and mushrooms, respectively). If you have to use plastic, try to stick to one type so customers can more easily recycle it. 

    This can apply to more than just sold products, too. Whatever materials you use for your organization, see if you can make some more eco-friendly swaps.

    You’re already invested in doing good and making an impact, so evaluating where your products come from is just another step you can take for that mission. Are they fair trade? Can you source locally to support the local economy and cut down on transportation? How are your suppliers committed to sustainability? 

  2. Reduce your waste

    The pandemic has changed how most of us work, with many office spaces becoming smaller or getting cut altogether. If you do still have an office space, reducing your waste can be as simple as eliminating single-use items like coffee cups, or donating items that are no longer needed so they don’t end up in the trash (and can potentially go to someone who really needs them!). 

    In the early days of the pandemic, I saw an office donate their toilet paper to anyone who needed it since all employees had moved to work from home and supplies were just sitting in an empty space. This was a great way to ensure nothing was wasted, and it even made the local news!

    If you work from home full time, you can take this a step further by looking at how you can reduce your energy usage. This is a double benefit because it can also help you cut costs! Invest in energy-efficient appliances if you can (it’ll actually save you money in the long run), unplug unused appliances, switch to LED bulbs, regularly clean and replace air filters, and turn off lights when no one is in the room. 

    Align your marketing materials with your sustainable practices, too. Send more digital communications and source sustainable swag items like reusable water bottles, organic cotton T-shirts, or canvas tote bags. Your audience will love seeing you make an effort to be more green.

  3. Contribute to, or collaborate with, environmental groups 

    Can you donate regularly to environmental programs? For example, you could donate a portion of your proceeds to an environmental impact program during a period of time, or offer to plant five trees for every 10 products sold. 

    Or, can you partner with another environmentally focused organization for a joint fundraiser or campaign? Maybe you can donate supplies or provide goods or services to one! Maybe you can create co-branded content to support each other. These efforts can be incredibly impactful.

    Two organizations to consider supporting are and 1% for the Planet. makes it easy and affordable for anyone to “reduce and offset their climate impact and hasten the transition to a clean energy future.” 1% for the Planet inspires businesses to “support environmental solutions through annual memberships and everyday actions.” Both of these organizations make amazing contributions and are great resources! 

A good example of these principles is Chipotle, who buys more local ingredients than any other restaurant and who has some of the highest animal welfare standards. They also have a roundup feature in their app to support farmers and causes they care about, and they donate about 33% of their sales, as Brand Marketing Vice President Stephanie Perdue mentioned in her presentation. Take a look at their values page to get some inspiration. 

Making some of these adjustments, big or small, is a great way to align your organization or business with more sustainable practices. Not only is this great for the planet, but it’s also great for your business! 

Communicate Your Sustainability Mission  

One of the presentations at the Sustainable Brands conference was led by Etienne White, Vice President of Brands for Good, and focused on “giving sustainability the storytelling it deserves.” One of his points that really stuck out to me was to beware of the “green hush.” This is essentially when you’re doing important work but not talking about it.

It’s clear that people want to support businesses with ethical and environmental practices. In a presentation from Amazon, it was revealed that Climate Pledge Friendly products have 60% higher click-through rates - that’s incredible and noteworthy! 

People value progress over perfection. It’s easy to get wrapped up in what you’re not doing, but if you’re taking steps to be better that’s still huge! So show it off. Talk about what you’re doing in order to attract a value-aligned audience who wants to not just be a customer but a stakeholder. In doing so, you’re also spreading valuable knowledge so others can make improvements, too.

Craft a mission statement that reflects your values and commitment to sustainability. Etienne advises to try and find the sweet spot between what the world needs, what people want, and your unique offer. Think about who your audience is, figure out what outcome you want, and remember to communicate your mission clearly. Be careful about the claims you make and ensure you understand them before you try to convey them. 

You can also choose one specific goal and communicate that to your audience. For example, Petco has committed to having 50% sustainable products by 2025, according to their Customer & Market Insights Manager, Eleni Kardaras. Nestle has also promised to advance regenerative food systems at scale and hopes to be net-zero by 2050, said Aude Gandon, Global Chief Marketing Officer. 

These are huge goals. If you can make that kind of commitment, do it and tell your stakeholders! It is terrific for your audience to know and invites their accountability. Try adding a mission statement to your website, include it in your code of ethics, highlight it in your marketing, or post about it on your social channels.

Here’s a great mission statement from the nonprofit Fashion Revolution to get your gears turning: “We campaign for a clean, safe, fair, transparent and accountable fashion industry. We do this through research, education, collaboration, mobilization and advocacy.” It doesn’t have a specific number, but it absolutely communicates intentionality.

Focus on advocating for sustainability and educating others instead of getting bogged down in the doom and gloom. The goal is to change behaviors, not just change minds, as Etienne notes. People want to be empowered and inspired, so talk about your progress and encourage public action. 

Use Storytelling That Empowers

As we know, storytelling is powerful. We use it to appeal to our audience’s emotions and to share the importance of our mission. It’s not only how you gain support, loyalty, and trust, but also how you gain integral donations and/or sales. It’s time to craft a new story in business now, and that’s one of sustainability.

Bruce Reynolds, Social Impact and Brand Marketing Specialist for Be the Change Associates, encourages organizations to look at sustainability through social, economic, and environmental lenses. What is the story your organization is telling when you think about these three areas? Are you happy with it?

If not, it’s time to create a new one! In the Storytelling that Empowers workshop of the conference, the speakers reiterated that your story should be simple, consistent, and scalable. Emotion drives action, so get clear on your why. What’s your call to action? 

Yes, this can be a serious topic, but your story doesn’t have to be boring or depressing! Provide hope and inspiration for your audience. Make it personal. Give actionable, scalable solutions or advice. Focus on educating others. 

You will also see more companies and nonprofits begin to address how their mission aligns with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). As a cause-focused organization, elements like these should already be pretty clear to you, but now it may be time to address your environmental impact as well.

Invest time into creating solid messaging and then get it out there! Make sure to run it by key stakeholders first, though, just to ensure it’s clear, correct, and effective. From there you can put it on your website, print it on your packaging, and include it in some of your communications. 

Build From the Inside Out 

The first place your story should live is inside your organization. According to one of the speakers (sorry I’m forgetting who to credit!),  93% of upper-level executives feel like their companies need to take a social and environmental stance, and 61% of customers find it hard to understand where a company stands or what their environmental efforts are. 

You have to start building sustainability and telling your story internally first. Everyone in your organization should have a hand in impact and be well informed about your goals. Amanda Nusz, Senior Vice President of The Target Foundation, advises defining the words that matter to your organization. Make sure everyone has the same definitions and truly understands them. You and your team have to believe in your goals and model them for your commitment to really shine through. 

In a 2021 Mastercard survey, 85% of adults said they are willing to take action on climate change. Statistics from NextGen also revealed that 72% of Gen Z say they have been greatly affected by climate change, and 60% are also in favor of restructuring the economy for equality and the environment. 

Despite all this support, there is a lot of skepticism, particularly among younger generations, for what companies and organizations are doing to help these issues. Organizations like yours have to take the lead on sustainability improvements and empower and influence the public to become activists, too. At a minimum, you can provide some of the tools—information, data, resources—to help raise awareness and make a change. 

In Heidi Hackemer’s (Executive Creative Director of Oatly North America) keynote, she talked about creating an emotional door, or a gateway that gets regular people intrigued. Incorporate strong messaging and a clear mission with tangible, scalable action from the inside out and you’ll draw more people—and more support—to your organization. 

One example is ECOfashion Corp, who announced they will be putting QR codes into their clothing tags for people to track the supply chain of their product, said Founder and CEO Marci Zaroff. This is a great way to get your audience involved, stay accountable, build credibility, share your values, and be transparent in your efforts.

One thing the pandemic really seemed to solidify is a great need for immediate change. We cannot return back to normal. We must keep improving and building better, more sustainable systems. This planet is the only one we have, so we need to take better care of it and each other. 

Though it may seem daunting or intimidating at times, we all truly do have the power to enact change. The Sustainable Brands Conference filled me with hope and assurance of just that. 

And if you’re ready to get started or solidify your own next steps, Sustainable Brands has even created a Brand Transformation Roadmap to help you navigate this challenge. Start small and slowly build-up to the bigger, more intensive actions. The planet, your audience, and your future supporters will thank you. You got this!


I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.