
The Networking Matrix: How to Find People and Build Connections

Networking: No matter your organization or expertise, it’s one of the skills that everyone needs to grow their nonprofit or social enterprise. But, depending on your personality or interpretation of the word, you may be reluctant to pursue it.

Today’s post may change that, though. Using her proven “networking matrix,” my friend Sarah Voltmann Costello will demonstrate how to make your networking not only more effective, but remove any stigma you have about it being sleazy.

Authentic networking is simply relationship-building, and I know you’re already good at that. So, let’s just put a little intentionality behind it. Once you learn how to find the right people and build valuable connections, you’ll be able to increase your impact through new donors, customers, partners, and sponsors.

No one builds a successful organization in a silo, and this post will show you how to rally a community for your cause.

The Networking Matrix: How to Find People and Build Connections

Networking can be an intimidating thing to do. Awkwardness and fear of putting yourself out there as a professional is completely normal. You are in a different frame of communication than you’re used to.

You aren’t talking about things you saw on social media, music, or what you did this weekend. This is, in fact, an entirely different language from how you talk about your personal life. Knowing who you want to talk to, how to make an ask, and how to tell your “why” is an art.

The good news is, you’re not alone! And there are ways to create an action plan that takes the guesswork out of it.

As a military spouse, nonprofit professional, and social entrepreneur, this method of networking has become my lifeline for moving into new spaces (figuratively and literally). Perhaps you have experienced a career change, a sudden move, or you’re trying to establish a better network to leverage a better job. Whatever your reason for wanting to network, it can seem an impossible task until you break it down into steps. 

I had to learn this method the hard way, by starting over three separate times in three completely different regions of the U.S. I moved to Seattle in 2019 knowing only my realtor, but I now have a strategic network of over 250 individuals related to or able to empower my work here. And it took me less than a year to do most of that—you can do this, too!

So here we go! I’m going to share with you my method for adjusting quickly to a new scenario, how to connect with the people in your sector, how to make a plan for connection, and how to execute that action plan.

Let’s build your network matrix.

Six Degrees of Separation 

You have probably heard of the song, the film, and maybe even the Kevin Bacon game. “Six Degrees of Separation” is not a new concept; in fact, it dates back to 1929. That’s right, prior to computers, the internet, social media, and smartphones, experts claimed we were within six degrees of anyone we would want to meet. Nowadays, that number is even smaller!

Here’s how it works: Our network exponentially grows as we leverage the network of others. When we invite people into our network, we have the opportunity to leverage theirs. And even though we may not realize it, we are even within six degrees of someone like Richard Branson. All that’s required is some intentionality. 

How are you supposed to utilize this awesome web of connections if you don’t even know it exists? You need to create an action plan of who you’re trying to meet and how you plan to do it.

Without a plan, there might as well be 1,000 degrees between you and a “Richard Branson” figure. Going to a Rotary Club meeting, attending chamber of commerce meetings, or participating in any other networking group is great! However, allowing people into your network “as they come'' will not get you where you want to go quickly. It may happen eventually, but we have the opportunity to be more strategic.

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The Six Basics of Networking

Start with the six basics: who, what, where, when, why, and how. 

WHO are you trying to connect with? Is it executives with decision-making power, HR representatives to get an interview, donors for your fundraising, investors for your product or service, or case workers in the field? Who are they and what role do they play? 

The next question to answer is, WHAT industries or type of work are you trying to connect with? For instance, nonprofits, government, public, or private are all areas to consider. Can you go further and break them down by industry codes or cause areas? The more specific you can get, the better you’ll be able to communicate your needs to others in your network.

These first two are key. 

WHEN and WHERE are very simple. You’ll need to answer for yourself, “What’s my time frame? WHEN am I trying to accomplish this?”

This long-term or short-term goal will dictate how many meetings you need to take per week. For instance, if you are moving to a new city and need to apply for jobs, you might schedule anywhere from three to seven networking meetings per week to get started.

Keep your WHERE simple. It’s the radius of where you need to network: city, state, or region. The tighter you can keep this radius, the more connections you will find immediately. 

Now, plan HOW you will connect with these individuals. Will you attend networking meetings, reach out to your existing connections, or rely on warm leads or introductions to meet new people? What groups are they associated with? What events are they speaking at? 

And finally, know your WHY—the story you tell or your elevator pitch—along with your “ask” as you start connecting with these individuals you’ve worked so hard to find. 

Let’s dig into each of these steps a little deeper.

6 questions


Let’s pause for a moment and discuss tools you already have at your disposal to define your WHO and your WHAT.

With the internet we are more connected than ever to all of mankind’s knowledge. Social media, government websites, Forbes, LinkedIn, GuideStar, and Google are powerful tools for helping you identify the organizations and individuals in the fields you need to connect with. And there’s no need to pay for expensive PROSPECT LISTS!

For instance, you might search for social enterprises in your area, or perhaps you’re looking for case management organizations. Maybe you need a list of millionaire CEOs who support equal hiring. Don’t reinvent the wheel: Check to see if someone has done this work for you already. And if you are struggling to find results, break your target audience into more manageable bites.


Your strategy should be S.M.A.R.T: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. When answering these questions, you should set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for yourself that let you know when you’ve achieved your goal.

Focus on what you’re trying to achieve. Is it quick employment, integration into a sector, or credibility in your line of work? Where are you trying to meet your goals? Which states or regions will you focus in? Can you narrow it down to specific counties in order to become well-known among common professional circles? When are you trying to achieve this? Is it in one year or immediately?

Set realistic goals for yourself such as:

  1. Attending one networking event per month

  2. Scheduling one to two networking meetings per week

  3. Focusing on one area where you will do the majority of your work to start (i.e. Seattle)



How will you connect? Are you starting from a foundation or are you starting from scratch? This is often the part that trips people up the most.

Start by building a spreadsheet of all the organizations you want to connect with, their employees, and the existing connections you have. 

On LinkedIn you have the ability to search any company, click on their employees list, and filter it based on 1st or 2nd degree connections. These are individuals in your network who are already connected to the people that you are searching for. You may be surprised by who pops up. Often it’s individuals that you may have spoken to before about introducing you to others, but without a targeted WHO and WHAT they didn’t know HOW to do that for you. Now you have the ability to give them a list of names and ask for targeted introductions. 

This changes the conversation entirely with the individuals you are trying to meet. Remember, when reviewing applicants, the recruiter’s job is to say “no” and narrow down the list. When networking, however, their job is to be social and “connect.” Build out your spreadsheet of existing connections and potential warm introductions and you will get to a “yes” quicker!

If you are starting from scratch, here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Join groups on LinkedIn or social media that are relevant to your WHO/WHAT/WHY or background.

  2. Find in-person groups and networking events to attend regularly such as Rotary Club, BNI, Chamber of Commerce, etc.

  3. Collect business cards from everyone you talk to because you need a foundation to start with. DO NOT give them yours and expect them to email or call. You need to take the initiative.

  4. Send follow-up emails within 48 hours and ask for a quick phone call or one-on-one.

  5. Send thank you emails and LinkedIn connection requests within 24 hours of one-on-ones.

  6. Have a specific “ask” (or request) that includes referrals to their contacts.

  7. Update your networking matrix with your new contacts regularly.


When you finally reach the point of receiving warm introductions to the individuals you’ve looked for and researched, they’ll want to know WHY you want to connect. What will that story be?

Focus on being concise, telling a little bit about yourself, and detailing who you are trying to connect with.

For example, you can write emails like this one to your connections so they can forward it to the contacts you’ve asked to meet as an introduction:

Mr. Smith,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me this week. I wanted to send a quick follow up with you about our conversation.

I mentioned that I was new to (city) and am building my network alongside my job search. I’m a X professional, with X years of experience in X and X. I’m passionate about X and want to meet other individuals who share that mentality. I’ve attached my CV for a bit more context on my background.

Can you introduce me to some professionals I should know who are involved in X industry/work? Thank you for your time!

Warm regards,

Your name


Your Network is Only as Good as Your Follow Up!

One final point: Networking works best when you focus on being of “service” to those you want to do business with. It’s not all about you.

What are they looking for?
What do they need?
Can you provide it or something similar?
Look for opportunities to be useful to them. 

This concept is called “servant leadership” and if you are looking to attract people to you and your cause, this is your strongest tool! When you put yourself out there to serve others, they will in turn look for ways to serve you, because they are grateful for you.

Build the mentality that you are searching for professional “relationships” not gum ball machines. Here are some tips:

  1. Take notes while you’re meeting.

  2. Follow up on something specific they said.

  3. If they helped you achieve something, thank them and return the favor.

  4. Respond within 24 hours.

  5. Ask for follow-up meetings and schedule immediately when you can.

  6. Find places to “bump” into them again.

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Still Having Some Anxiety?

If you still feel like this process might not be for you, let me share some examples of success that I’ve had over the years using this approach:

  • Working for an international organization, my team leveraged this method to find STEM and business internships for students abroad to work in the U.S.

  • Moving from Indiana to Florida, I had to start over in a new line of work. I used this method to become a program director in the nonprofit sector.

  • The Air Force moved us from Florida to New Mexico, and I started a real estate social enterprise to employ myself. In six months, I had a team of 10 partners (real estate agents, investors, and fellow entrepreneurs) in three states to help me make offers on homes.

  • When we moved from New Mexico to Washington, we only knew our realtor. I used this method to meet nonprofit professionals with hiring power and gained a meeting with the CEO of a $140 million organization.

  • Through my networking matrix, I was referred and asked to serve as a volunteer consultant for immigrant/refugee serving organizations. I gained employment with one of the nonprofits shortly after.

  • Now I use this method to meet major donors and to establish a social enterprise for a nonprofit in the Southeast.

The most important theme in all these successes is not determination or ingenuity, but service to others. Keep that mentality as you’re networking and you will find doors opening for you.


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A nonprofit professional, Air Force wife, and social entrepreneur, Sarah Voltmann Costello has spent the last 11 years building a career centered on the ideals of a global mindset and nonprofit efficiency practices while being a trailing spouse.

Leveraging her Network Matrix strategy, she has learned to be a highly adaptive and tenacious “servant leader,” focused on driving greater impact in our global community by supporting nonprofit leaders in their missions wherever she is placed. Over the years of working with more than 60 nonprofits across multiple impact areas, she has learned to leverage the existing assets of an organization to build strategies for real growth that can be multiplied toward large-scale community development.

Today, Sarah lives in the beautiful PNW in Seattle, WA, with her husband, and leverages these strategies to break down barriers for nonprofit leaders around the U.S. by building sustainable fundraising or social enterprise ventures.



Networking: No matter your organization or expertise, it’s one of the skills that everyone needs to grow their nonprofit or social enterprise. And authentic networking is simply relationship-building. Once you learn how to find the right people and …

I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.

Three Simple Steps in the Quest to Find Your Ideal Intern

Last week, you heard from my intern, Megan, on four reasons why interns are motivated to help you. Are you convinced? I sure was! (And if you haven't check it out yet—yes, she does address the question of money!)

This week, you're getting the follow-up by my second intern, Michael. We've talked about the WHY, and now we'll hit you with the HOW. I'm not sure which of those two questions resonates with you when you're thinking about an intern, but hopefully, we'll provide you with the answers needed to take that next step.

I've only had Megan and Michael for about a month, and am already so thankful for them. So, do yourself a favor and go get an intern (or two). Not sure how? Just keep reading!

Three Simple Steps in the Quest to Find Your Ideal Intern

It’s the end of February and the New Year has already gifted us all with a handsomely exhaustive list of responsibilities…

Social media drafts are long overdue, email updates stack a mile high, and blog posts eagerly await an obligatory glimpse. Somewhere in the sewage of this chaos, you also discover that your most urgent and time-sensitive tasks are often the very ones which you’ve neglected.

But, SUDDENLY, you have an epiphany—you don’t have to do this all on your own! What if you had a helping hand? After all, for every Batman exists a Robin, for every Scooby a Shaggy, and for every Cher a respective Sonny.

What if . . . you had an intern?

You may not be able to offer your intern a salary, but you have compensation in the form of experience that they desperately desire. They can serve as more than a glorified coffee runner, and even play a crucial role in keeping your small business or nonprofit operating at optimum speed.

Finding an intern is actually less complicated than one might assume. There’s not one algorithm that will do the trick or one method superior to others, however, let’s explore three, overarching avenues that will aid your search.

Finding the right intern for your organization lies at the intersection of three avenues:

  1. An understanding of the qualifications for your intern role

  2. A correct and detailed intern position description

  3. An idea of where to find the best interns for your nonprofit or social enterprise

1. Outline your requirements for potential interns.

Think of the search for an intern as paving a yellow brick road that will steer the right candidates to the doors of your organization. If that’s the case, you should to be clear from both an academic and professional perspective so that the right person rings the doorbell.

This begins with you carefully outlining prerequisites including educational achievements (high school, GRE, undergraduate and graduate), portfolio samples you may want to see, and prior work experience. One company might be looking for tenured university seniors with previous agency experience, while others are looking for malleable minds that are eager to learn. The choice is yours, however, you cannot expect more, and receive less, without setting expectations. In turn, you might also discover that you have hired an intern whose skills and talents far exceed the amount of work you have to offer them.

Just remember that it’s okay to be selective. An internship needs to be the right fit for both parties.


2. Create a clearly defined intern job description, including the benefits they’ll receive.

No one likes to be exclusive, however, in terms of finding the perfect intern, a certain degree of exclusivity needs to be shown. And just so that we don’t parallel the clique from Mean Girls, let’s put it this way—it’s not them, it’s you.

Be open to students with skills and attributes that may be uncommon for your line of work, however, don’t be deceptive in a job description. If they are looking for a for-profit sales role and you work strictly in nonprofit fundraising, they might not be the right fit. Again . . . that’s okay!

So how do you ensure that your role or program is a right fit for the applicant? Before you begin soliciting resumes, clearly define and outline job standards and provide candidates with an overview of the program in which they’ll be participating. And if your internship provides certifications, credits, or payment, be sure to list these in the job description, too.

Finally, be specific in the language you use to describe the internship. Good candidates don’t often migrate toward listings that use generic language. Because internships can last a series of months (even entire semesters), potential interns want to know exactly what it is that they’ll be doing.

You may even want to look at other intern postings online to help you decide what to include.


3. Use the Internet and your existing network to help you find an intern.

Most of the individuals searching for an internship experience are students and young alumni. Because it’s likely that these individuals haven’t had extensive amounts of career experience, it’s easier to mold their talents and help them hone in on those they haven’t yet developed. And that should be exciting for both you and them.

To find your young Padawan, it’s essential to utilize the correct platforms. For now, we’ll focus on three outlets to aid your search: career centers, online postings, and personal networking.

Career Centers

The vast majority of large universities and colleges are outfitted with programs and facilities that provide their students with professional working opportunities. Some universities might call it a career centeror “services/development program. The jargon’s all a little different, but globally, the mission is the same—to find work experience, internships, and jobs for students and recent graduates.

Cast your eyes on the example of New York University, which operates the Wasserman Center for Career Development. This career center provides extensive lists of internship opportunities, jobs, and sound advice in the sojourn of career discovery.

My advice to you is to shoot for the stars! Contact every university career center in your respective city or state, and use those centers to network your way to great candidates. They can provide you with potential career fair dates, ensuring that you can speak with students in person, or potentially provide listings or direct links for your internship on their website.

As you build relationships with students and career centers, you’ll develop a steady stream of candidates through pre-existing relationships. And when students provide positive feedback about you to their career centers, you’re more likely to receive continuous and high-quality candidates. The other benefit of going through career centers is, of course, that they’ll often do the regular work of searching for your intern so that you don’t have to!


Online Postings

Remember, the interweb is a friend not a foe. This is an essential element to the success of finding your intern in the haystack.

To get even more specific, when looking for interns in university-level programs, go to the places they would go. Posting ads on Craigslist won’t likely aid you in the process of searching for an intern if the population you’re searching for isn’t using Craigslist.

Students and recent grads alike utilize a multitude of websites, some of the most popular being LinkedIn,, and Handshake. LinkedIn proves to be a necessary networking tool for the duration of careers, as you probably already know. To ensure that you are fully utilizing LinkedIn, make sure to join groups with similar missions to promote your business and discover talent. I found this article particularly useful.

Additionally, in searching for interns, I’d insist on using websites like Handshake and, which directly target college students and young alumni. Handshake specifically has access to over 8 million students and young adults, and more than 475 career centers. And is the world’s largest student-focused internship marketplace, bringing students, employers, and higher education institutions together in one centralized location. Convenient, eh?

And should you wish to cast your net wider, many standard job posting sites like Idealist and Work For Good also allow for internship listings.

Personal Networks

Last but certainly not least, don’t underestimate the potential of your personal network. The people you already know may help you find your best interns.

It’s easiest to start with your friends and family. Put out the word that you’re looking for an intern, and see if they can help you fill the spot quickly. Just remember to include that clearly-defined intern job description, even when talking to people casually.

Next, post about the internship on your personal and professional social media outlets and in groups. This is a great, and fast, way to spread the word about your opportunity.

And a final example is the connections you have with clients or peers in the same field. More than often, students and young alumni are looking for more than one consecutive internship. One summer they might work for a for-profit manufacturer that produces burlap supplies for a local, nonprofit coffee shop. But next summer, that same intern wants to work at the coffee shop itself. So, reach out to your partners and colleagues for contacts.

With a little preparation and planning, you’ll find your dynamic duo. The Robin to your Batman. The Sonny to your Cher.

By the way, did you miss the first post on why an intern might want to help you? You can read it right here!

Michael Banks, Intern at Signify

Michael Griffith Banks is a fourth-year Public Relations Major at the University of Georgia with a minor in Spanish. He’s throughly involved with UGA’s Office of Admissions, most recently serving as an Orientation Leader for the University.


Finding an intern can actually be less complicated than you might think.

Kristi Porter, founder of Signify

I'm Kristi Porter, and I started Signify to provide writing, consulting and strategy services to nonprofits and for-profit organizations with a social mission, primarily through copywriting, marketing, and business communications. I believe that cause-focused organizations like yours are the future of business. You're proof that companies can both make money and do good. And I'm here to help you get noticed and grow. When you succeed, we all win.

How to Woo Your Fans and Supporters

It’s the final week of our “business resolutions series,” and I hope you’re already making big progress on your goals this year! Before we dive into today’s topic, let’s recap, shall we? First, we talked about seven simple tools that build a strong small business foundation. Then, we talked about how to gain authority and trust at your organization through internal communication. To wrap up, we’ll discuss wooing your fans and supporters—and those who could be—through external communication.

You have to actually talk to the people who support you, right? Yes, of course, you do. However, too many small businesses that I speak with know that they should communicate with their customers and donors, but they don’t actually do it.

Marketing and communications usually gets shoved to the back burner, often because it’s just not prioritized. But to retain current fans and attract new ones, you’ve got to reach out. And to begin, you don’t need to be perfect, but you do need to get started.

So, while there are undoubtedly lots of ways to communicate with your customers, donors, and the people who could be, I’ll just highlight three areas that I think you should focus on for maximum impact.

How to Woo Your Fans and Supporters

Email Should Be Your Top Priority

Email, email, email. I can’t stress this enough. For talking to your previous and current customers and donors, this needs to be your top priority. Unless you’re sitting down over coffee with these lovely people, there’s no better way to communicate with your fans.

Don’t believe me? Think social media should be your numero uno? Did someone tell you email is dead? Consider two arguments.

First, how many companies, either for- or non-profit, do you readily give your email to? And how many more do you follow on social media? Yep, there’s no comparison. We’re all getting more and more stingy with our emails, so when someone willingly hands over their email, you should treat it as precious. You have a direct line to their hearts and minds.

Second, think about it this way: you own your email list. With social media, we’re all at the mercy of the ever-changing algorithms. The majority of our posts are filtered out, meaning only a fraction of the people that follow you see what you post. And even if you do get the hang of it, the algorithm will change again in a few months. Plus, we all know that some platforms are here today, but gone tomorrow. MySpace anyone? However, for better or worse, email has been our constant companion the last few decades.

As a marketer, this is frustrating, but as a human, I have to remember the “social” aspect of social media.

So, now that you’re thinking email might be a good idea, here are two ways to handle it:

  1. If you don’t already have an opt-in on your website, you need to think about adding one. An opt-in is simply something you give your list in exchange for their email. Examples include e-courses, lists, e-books, insider access, coupons, and more. This tactic will help you build your list, drawing in potential customers and donors.

  2. I’d like you to email your list at least once a month, and be consistent. We’re all creatures of the out of sight, out of mind variety, so you need to remind people that you’re still here and open for business. You may want to email them more frequently, which is sometimes recommended, but it sort of depends on your organization and other factors. Most people, though, send emails every couple of months, and only when they need something. Yuck! This is not the way to treat those precious emails and the people they represent. So, aim for monthly communication.

Social Media is Important, But Not Everything

People online are currently freaking out over the new Facebook changes that were recently announced, stating that content by companies will be less visible in news feeds. And, I agree, it’s a little scary. I also just dinged social media in the section above. But, no matter how you feel about social media (I have mixed feelings myself), it’s still important and necessary.

So, while I think you should focus on your email list, that won’t always help you reach those who don’t yet know about you. And you probably don’t want to email those who already love you every day and get a bunch of unsubscribes. Enter social media. It’s still an effective way to get your name out and keep it out there, but we’ll all have to try a little harder. But who has the time? This is why I switched to a social media scheduler.

While it’s true that posts sent by schedulers get less play than real-time, “native” posts (typed straight into the platform), for me, it was a matter of what would actually happen. I could have great intentions about getting on social media every day with new content, but the reality is that may not happen. I have too many other things to do, and so do you. This is why I went with a social media scheduling tool, and you can read all the details, as well as my review of 13 popular platforms, right here.

Definitely jump on social media and post in real time, interact with people, share pictures, and generally live it up when you can. But for those times you can’t, consider a scheduling tool. I’m glad to know that if my head is down, and I’m working on a writing project for a few days, my social media posts are still going out the door without me having to press any buttons. I’d rather have a few people seeing my posts than none at all.

Another social media option to consider is Facebook groups. There are millions of them out there, for everything under the sun. My suggestion would be to find a few that contain your target audience, and get active. Be helpful, make connections, and follow their rules for self-promotion. They definitely take time, but are a great and personalized way to build new relationships.

By the way, my friend Jennifer, who is a social media manager, will be talking all about these new Facebook changes, how to stay in front of your audience, and alternatives worth pursuing in my Facebook Group tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. EST. Join us!

Networking and Events Never Go Out of Style

We’ve covered a couple of online options, but you already know there’s no replacement for good, old fashioned face-to-face connection. So, it’s time to get outside your office and shake a few hands. This is still a terrific way to meet potential customers and donors, or even make deeper connections with those who already know and love you. (Bonus: It's also a great way to invest in yourself!)

For us introverts, this may or may not be a welcome suggestion. Me? I love being at home, but I also love attending events. But if you’re the kind of guy or gal who would rather have an email exchange than coffee with someone, then I’m sorry, you’re just going to have to push yourself for the good of your organization. #sorrynotsorry

You may choose to be an exhibitor, an attendee, or even a speaker, and all can be effective. You’ll likely need a combination over time. Obviously, you’ll get the most attention from a larger audience by speaking, but exhibiting and attending can allow you to have more meaningful and personal conversations.

But before you show up, I suggest doing a little event prep work:

  1. Follow the event’s social media or hashtag to start making connections ahead of time.

  2. Make sure your social profiles and website are updated.

  3. Don’t forget to bring business cards or handouts about your org.

(You can read more about each of these items here.)

The important thing is to make the most of the event. Of course, you’re probably showing up to learn, but if you can snag a few more fans, even better! Oh, and in case you’re looking for some cool, cause-focused events to attend, check out this list by Cause Artist.


Read the other posts in this series:


Marketing and communications usually gets shoved to the backburner, often because it’s just not prioritized. But to retain current fans and attract new ones, you’ve got to reach out. And to begin, you don’t need to be perfect, but you do need to get…

Kristi Porter, founder of Signify

I'm Kristi Porter, and I started Signify to provide writing, consulting and strategy services to nonprofits and for-profit organizations with a social mission, primarily through copywriting, marketing, and business communications. I believe that cause-focused organizations like yours are the future of business. You're proof that companies can both make money and do good. And I'm here to help you get noticed and grow. When you succeed, we all win.