marketing lessons

Six Podcasts to Help Your Nonprofit or Social Enterprise Thrive

Are you looking for a change of pace in content? Whether you’re more of an auditory learner or just would like to listen instead of read for a bit, I’ve got you covered! I’m certainly a writer at my core, but I’ve also had the pleasure of being a guest on some really great podcasts hosted by some amazing creators and leaders over the years.

These episodes are full of inspiring conversations, expert advice, and are just fun to listen toif I do say so myself. And now you have them all in one place! Podcasts are great to listen to on walks, long drives, while cranking out some work, or just in any spare time you can find. 

Listen in on six of my favorite conversations below to help your nonprofit or social enterprise thrive.

Tell Your Story With Content Marketing

GoodMakers is a weekly podcast from goodgigs founder Dale Wilkinson. It features  personal growth techniques, career and productivity tips, social enterprises, corporate social responsibility, and freelancing for good. 

In my episode, I talk about why content marketing is critical when building a social impact brand and how it benefits your mission. I also cover what you need to do first before you start creating content, how often you should be developing content, and share ideas on how to distribute and promote your content. 

This is a must-listen if you’re trying to figure out how to leverage your nonprofit or social enterprise’s unique story—because it deserves to be shared!

>>> Listen to the episode here

How to Leverage Your Influence to Make a Difference

Business with Purpose with Molly Stillman of interviews some of the world’s most generous entrepreneurs and inspires listeners to make an impact by supporting businesses with purpose.

I had an incredible conversation with Molly on her podcast about some really heavy-hitting but oh so important topics. We discuss issues like human trafficking, racism, religion, and faith, but we also talk about how the biggest inspirations can come from the little things in life. 

If you often find yourself wondering how to make a difference in the world, where to start, and what to do, this one's for you! 

>>> Tune in to the episode here. 

Improve Your Brand Identity 

Business Radio X is a dedicated group of people who help solopreneurs, professional organizations, and brands build communities around the people who matter the most to them. Atlanta Cares Radio spotlights the city’s best businesses and the people who lead them.

I was joined by two other guests and business leaders for this fantastic conversation. and I talk about how I started Signify and share the tips that helped me in the beginning, gush about my favorite organizations, and give my best advice for how to improve your brand identity and drive your mission to succeed. 

The episode also features Philip Coven, who specializes in in-town Atlanta commercial real estate, and my friend, Kitti Murray, founder of Refuge Coffee Co., a nonprofit that gives refugees opportunity and true refuge through coffee and community service.

>>> Give it a listen here

10 Steps to Upgrading Your Website

The Small Nonprofit Podcast by The Good Partnership gives you down-to-earth, practical, and actionable expert guidance on how to run a small nonprofit. And Cindy and her team are not only knowledgeable, but pretty fabulous! (She also has a new book out!)

This episode is a super important one because we talk all about websites: the common mistakes, how to fix them, and what you can do to drive more traffic (and therefore more support for your cause) to your nonprofit or social enterprise. 

Tune in to hear us debunk common website myths and offer practical tips you can implement to build your ideal website.

>>> Hear all about it here

Cause Marketing: Making a Big Impact as a Small Business

Start Marketing is a podcast hosted by marketing expert Katlynn Pyatt. Each week, Katlynn and her guests break down a popular marketing strategy and teach you how to put it into action with authentic and accessible advice. 

In my conversation with Katlynn, we talked in depth about how to utilize cause marketing to grow your business. We also discussed how to have a big social impact even as a small business, how to evaluate social marketing opportunities, and how to talk about the causes you support without sounding self-serving. There’s some great content in this one! 

>>> Learn while you listen and download it here

Copywriting and Marketing for Cause-Focused Organizations

The Hero Show, hosted by Richard Matthews, takes a peak behind the masks of modern day superheroes and helps tell their stories.

Philanthropy is a good marketing strategy, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg of this episode. We honed in on copywriting and how it’s an integral part of the relationship between entrepreneur and customer. For those of you who struggle with writing, this episode will provide you with some helpful tips. 

We also touch on recognizing and fixing your money issues, streamlining and simplifying workflow, defining your audience, and navigating the big world of cause-focused organizations as a small one. 

>>> This is a podcast you don’t want to miss. Listen to it here.

I loved my time on all of these shows and highly recommend subscribing to any (or all!) of these podcasts. I really enjoyed sharing my story, my best advice, and talking more about the topics I’m passionate about so that more nonprofits and social enterprises can succeed.

I’m confident that if you listen to any (or all) of these episodes you’ll take away something helpful for your nonprofit or social enterprise. Now, go tune in and get inspired! 


I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.

#Eclipse2017 Marketing Lessons

I don't know about where you live, but Atlanta had #Eclipse2017 fever for weeks—and we weren't even in the path of totality, where the sun would be completely blocked by the moon. But there were apps, websites, news coverage, and huge shortages on ISO-certified glasses everywhere you looked. It was a fun frenzy to be a part of, honestly. I was totally into it. However, even after anticipating it for a couple of months, I still found myself unprepared. In the end, I had a great time, but it was also a tad chaotic.

And it was easy to make a few parallels between this unique experience and the world of marketing. So, be a business nerd with me for a minute, and just go with it . . . 

Here are four marketing lessons we can draw from #Eclipse2017.

1. Plan Ahead

Did you get your circa Back to the Future ISO-certified eclipse glasses? I almost didn't. I literally got my hands on a pair less than 40 minutes before the big event. I had been thinking about this moment for weeks and weeks leading up to it, but kept forgetting to pick up free glasses or buy them, and then when I put some real effort into it just a few days prior, they were, of course all gone. Like, long gone. My friend and I managed to buy a pair from a guy who's friend didn't show up to watch with him. Whew!

Marketing lesson: Good marketing doesn't just happen. If you don't live in the world of business communications as I do, there are plenty of other things to occupy your mind and your time. Believe it or not, sometimes it's even hard for me to make the time. And if you don't consider it to be one of your skills, it's easy to let marketing slide or get pushed to the back burner. But you can't expect people to buy, donate, or show up without some real effort on your part. I know there is already a lot on your plate, but stop and think about your marketing. Put together a plan, even a loose one to work from. Read a book, listen to a podcast, or get on an email list that will teach you more about marketing. The better you get, the more your organization will thrive.

2. Have a Backup Plan

I ended up enacting Plan D for my eclipse experience. Plan A was to win one of the cool trips I'd registered for, which would've meant watching it in either Portland or Nashville. Long shot? Absolutely, but how fun would it have been! Plan B was to buy glasses and go watch with my friend at her house because her daughter was napping and she couldn't get out. But I couldn't find any to buy because I waited too long. Plan C was to go to a local event that had glasses for sale. This is what I thought was happening up until it didn't. Another friend came with me to this event, but when we arrived, they'd already sold out of specs. That's when Plan D evolved. 

We were standing in line for this event, but we didn't know if the line was for drinks, or to buy the glasses. So, I tapped the guy in front of me on the shoulder and asked. He said it was for drinks, and that they'd already run out of glasses. Gahhh! But he said that his friend didn't show up and that he'd sell us his extra pair! So, we grabbed those because it was almost 2:00 p.m., and the eclipse was happening at 2:36 p.m. here. We'd just have to share.

Marketing lesson: Maybe not every time, but at some point, something in your marketing plan will go wrong. (My experience is that it's usually technology-related.) Maybe it's a bad wifi connection, a glitch with your email provider, an event speaker gets sick or misses their connecting flight, the product doesn't get shipped on time, or your computer crashes and you know you were supposed to, but you haven't backed it up in six months even though you got a notification to do so the day before. It could literally be anything. The point is to have a backup plan, or three. Expect that something will go wrong, because it easily could. And do a happy dance when it doesn't!

3. Share the Experience

As you've already seen, I didn't plan very well for this historic moment. It wasn't until last Thursday when I actually started hunting for glasses. And I was sick last week and over the weekend, so even though I'd been excited for the eclipse, my enthusiasm was quickly waning. It wasn't until Sunday that I reached out to my friend to attend the viewing party with me. She showed some interest, but we didn't even make firm plans until around 11:00 a.m. on Monday!

I woke up that day still feeling pretty drained from being sick, so I'd almost resigned myself to just watching the eclipse on TV from my couch. I was about to text her that I wasn't feeling up to it, when she reached out to see if we were still on. So, I took a moment, remembered that previous excitement, and put together a plan. We ended up having a great time, and a fun, shared experience.

Marketing lesson: If you are a solopreneur or run a small business of just a few folks, it's very easy to get used to doing things on your own. This may be because it's just easier, you don't have the resources to pay others, or have a hard time delegating. But whether you're in the middle of a launch, promoting an event, fulfilling a product order, administering a service, or just dreaming of what's next, it's always more fun with a buddy. Conversations with others may give you new ideas, good feedback, inspiration, or one of another dozen awesome things. Even as a solopreneur, doing everything alone is a choice. Make plans to involve others, even informally. Your organization will be better for it. After all, you got in this business to help others. So, let someone help you.

4. Make It Last

If you're anything like me, your post-eclipse routine included updating social media with the photos you took. After that, I scoured Instagram and Facebook to see the photos and videos my friends and family captured. It was an experience worth sharing and celebrating. I also had friends that were in prime viewing spots all over the country, so I couldn't wait to see a glimpse of what they saw. It was truly an event that brought the country together, and gave us something fun to focus on after all the bad news we hear every day. I'll certainly be watching for those photos and videos in the days to come.

Marketing lesson: One of the common mistakes I see by organizations is that they host an awesome event, but they only talk about it before-hand. They don't promote it much during, and rarely after. Those are two prime opportunities to get your audience excited about your next event. Likewise, if you put a lot of time and effort into a launch, but never update your peeps about how it went, you're missing the opportunity to keep them in the loop and tell them how important they were to it. Or, do you put a lot of work into writing blog posts, but never actually promote them? It's unlikely people will just sit around waiting with baited breath until your next post. You need to market it! I've heard that 20% of the effort you put into your blog post should be writing it, and the other 80% should be marketing it. Your words may be incredible, but if no one knows to read them, they won't be very effective. Go the extra mile. Make it count, and then make it last.

So, did you watch the eclipse? Where from? What did you think?


Here are four marketing lessons revealed by #eclipse2017.

Kristi Porter, founder at

I'm Kristi Porter, and I started Signify to provide writing, consulting and strategy services to nonprofits and for-profit organizations with a social mission, primarily through copywriting, marketing, and business communications. I believe that cause-focused organizations like yours are the future of business. You're proof that companies can both make money and do good. And I'm here to help you get noticed and grow. When you succeed, we all win.