I can help you craft your brand message strategy in just two weeks so that you can increase your revenue and impact.

But first, does this sound familiar?


  • Sharing your nonprofit or social impact company’s mission and impact in a simple and exciting way that resonates with your audience?

  • Retaining existing stakeholders or convincing them to increase their level of engagement or financial support?

  • Standing out from the crowd of similar nonprofits and social enterprises?

  • Getting traction with new donors, customers, partners, and sponsors?

  • Keeping everyone on your team aligned in how they talk about your mission? (Or maybe just yourself!)

  • Helping people understand why you deserve their hard-earned money?

The importance of what you do cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, however, you may be understating it, and in turn, missing out on potential growth, revenue, and impact.

What if things could be different?
What if you didn’t ramble on and on . . . and on?
What if marketing and communications didn’t continue to frustrate you?
What if people’s eyes lit up when you talked about your mission—and then asked how to get involved?

Imagine your marketing and communications going from bland and confusing to dynamic and confident

What would it feel like to finally give the right voice to the mission you already know can change the world?

YouR ORGANIZATION could . . .

  • Attract and engage the right customers and donors—the ones who want to support you with their time, resources, influence, and money.

  • Become an influential leader in your industry and for your cause, speaking on stages and garnering media attention.

  • Speak in a straightforward, yet bold way about your social impact mission so that people sit up, take notice, and want to take action.

  • Communicate with certainty and confidence why you are worth investing in.

  • Craft an exciting message that is repeatable by your team and your audience, ensuring that everyone is communicating your mission in the way you want.

  • Expand your reach and help more people though the work you know improves lives.

  • Channel all your hard work and energy into efforts that would help you grow and thrive with more revenue and greater visibility.

You are a DRIVEN nonprofit or social enterprise leader who has a big solution to a big problem. 

You know that if people could just hear your message in the same way that resonates with you, things would change. You wouldn’t just create an impact, you’d create momentum.

And you know the value of great marketing and communication, but you are also so close to your mission that you’ve lost perspective. You don’t understand why everyone doesn’t believe in your mission the same way you do.

It’s time for you to make the choice that up-levels your mission and your message.

That’s exactly why I developed this Brand Message and Voice Consultation—to take you from scattered to strategic in everything you say (whether online or in person).


I’ve been in marketing and business communications for over 20 years. I’ve worked at both nonprofits and for-profits, and understand how they are alike and how they are different. And I launched Signify to bridge the gap for small, cause-focused organizations who needed a guide, partner, and champion to help them move their mission forward through messaging that stands out.


Within two weeks of working together:

You will HAVE a clear, concise, and compelling message to attract and engage the right customers and donors that can help you increase your revenue and impact.

In the Brand message and Voice Consultation, you will:

  • Receive a comprehensive messaging framework that includes your mission statement, vision statement, unique selling points, audience overview, clarified why, and key messages that can be used online and in person to wow your audience and have them ready to take action. You already know your mission is special, and now everyone else will, too.

  • Get my expertise and perspective as a copywriter and marketing consultant, so that your words carry more weight with your intended audience, making every effort pay off.

  • Walk away with an in-depth guide to help ensure that everyone internally (or that contracts for you) uses the same messages, tone, and vocabulary that has been defined by you. And when you speak with one voice, you have a better chance of being heard.

  • Receive a 60-minute follow up consult to make sure you understand everything I’ve written for you so that your marketing and fundraising start (literally) paying off. You won’t be left to figure it out on your own.

After the Brand Message and Voice Consultation, everything you produce will have a cohesive and compelling message. This clarity and consistency adds trust and credibility, demonstrates your value, and helps you attract more of the right audience—ultimately allowing you to increase your revenue and impact.

Growing your base of customers, donors, partners, and sponsors isn’t just about having an innovative mission.

It’s also about having an irresistible message THAT THEY BUY INTO.

Sure, You could keep doing what you’re doing.

But you have to ask yourself: What is your time and effort really worth?

  • Do you want to spend your time carrying out high ROI activities and playing to your strengths, or waste time wondering if you’re posting the right things on social media?

  • Do you want to pay to have your website or marketing materials designed and still have your message fall flat, resulting in no more sales or donations than you had before?

  • Do you want to spend money on advertising, just hoping that will fix your problems?

  • Do you want to finally book that meeting with a big sponsor only to confuse them or be unable to communicate your value?

  • Do you want to spend hours and hours writing content with no clear direction?

  • Do you want to continue trying to convince people to buy from you or donate to you, or do you want them to understand your worth instantly and hand over their money?

The choice is yours.

Ready to make your Message sing—RATHER THAN HAVING TO SHOUT TO BE HEARD?

The world needs your mission. Let me help you craft a message that turns heads.

This investment is one that will pay dividends every time you need to communicate on behalf of your organization: online, in-person, in print, and anywhere else you need to make your mission known. You won’t just have conviction; you’ll have the tools you need to stand out from the crowd.

Just ask yourself what it would be worth to increase your stakeholders, revenue, and impact.

Reach out today, and let’s discuss how I can help you get noticed and grow through messaging that conveys your mission in the way that it deserves.

Package starts at $2,000.

I only conduct this consultation once per month, so don’t delay!

The Process

  1. You’ll receive a questionnaire to provide me with the initial (yet in-depth) info needed to lay the foundation for our time together. Just this first step often provides new insights to even seasoned founders who haven’t answered questions like these before!

  2. Together, we’ll meet over Zoom to dig into your answers which will shape your unique brand message and voice in such a way that both current and new stakeholders are ready to take action.

  3. I’ll take everything that we talked about and use it to write your new brand messaging guide. This includes your: mission statement, vision statement, unique selling points, audience overview, clarified why, and key messages. This information will inform your elevator pitch, website copy, social media posts, speaking content, and any other marketing or fundraising assets you need from now on.

  4. We’ll hop on a call two weeks later to review what I’ve written and make sure you are clear on how to use the guide for both your ongoing in person and online communication.

  5. You’ll then receive your initial consult answers for reference, completed brand guide, recordings of our two meetings, and tips on how to use both documents going forward so that your marketing or fundraising resonates in a new way to drive revenue.

  6. You will have the foundation to market your cause like a pro!


Are you ready to create a marketing message worthy of your mission so you can change more lives?

Jaycina Almond, The Tender Foundation

Kristi’s Brand Message and Voice Consultation serves as a ‘compass’ for everything from communications to fundraising to partnerships and more. It really lays out the language you can use in your website, newsletters, presentations, and social media to stay true to the organization’s mission and values. You can reflect on anything that you are working on, and quickly see if it aligns with the current narrative.

During the consult, we really dug deep into who we are, why we do what we do, what makes us different, and more. Afterward, it's spelled out in a document right in front of you that you can always refer back to! It’s so helpful.

The consultation really boosted my confidence in being able to explain what we do and what makes us different. And I think having that solid foundation helped me to secure $12,000 in early grants—even before I officially launched!”

- Jaycina Almond, The Tender Foundation  

LeeAnne McCoy of Change the World By How You Shop

“I am a long time follower of Signify and have learned a lot from Kristi. In the Brand Message and Voice Consult I was beyond impressed with how she helped me narrow down and define my brand message.

I loved the set up for the consultation and it was a HUGE help to me in nailing down my messaging. And I was super impressed with the final document, which I refer back to again and again.

Since then, I have updated my home page and I am quite happy with it. Now, I’m slowly updating the rest of my website to match. Plus, I had to introduce myself the other day on a Zoom call and found my mission MUCH easier to describe!

Overall, I feel a lot more confident and ready to clearly communicate my brand message to others.

I really appreciated this session with you, and have since recommended this service to others!”

- LeeAnne McCoy, Change the World By How You Shop


“I felt very excited and motivated following my Brand Message and Voice Consult. I really appreciated receiving the hard copy of the results to refer back to when having marketing conversations and planning.

Immediately afterwards, I used the recommendations in our email marketing communications, and our open rates increased as I shared more of our ‘who we are’ with our audience.

As we look forward, I will also refer to it for our web updates and designs. This is a great service!

- Yunice Patrick, JJs Playhouse Children's Museum & Gym


EVERY DAY THAT YOU WAIT TO CLARIFY YOUR MESSAGE IS A DAY THAT you risk the chance to increase revenue and impact lives.


Who is this for?

The Brand Message and Voice Consultation is for you if you’re the leader of a nonprofit or for-profit social impact company. You may be the founder or head of communications or fundraising. It doesn’t matter if you work solo or have a team, or are just starting out or have been around for years. If your message is struggling to engage current stakeholders or reach new ones, you are in the right place.

How much of my time will this take?

Great question, because I know your time is valuable. There are three blocks of time required for you: First, you’ll fill out the pre-work questionnaire. I would plan for one to two hours to answer these questions because I really want to get your wheels turning as we dig into your mission and stakeholders.

The second time block will be our time together, and I like to block three hours for this part. We usually do not need it all, but in case we do, I want you to have the time set aside and not feel rushed. And the final chunk of time is when hop on a 60-minute call two weeks after our strategy session so we can go through everything I’ve put together for you.

So, the absolute maximum would be six hours of your time over several different days—but I promise it’ll be worth it when you can finally feel like you have a message that creates more donors, customers, and advocates!

What do I need to show up with on the day of my consult?

I’m gonna make this easy for you—all I need is you! We’ll be going through your pre-work questionnaire and I’ll ask any additional clarifying questions I need to do my part in crafting your message. And for my notetakers out there, I always encourage that, but you will also receive a copy of your answers, my documentation, and the recordings of our time together for future reference.

How often do you take on new clients?

My current capacity only allows me to take on one new client per month, so if your messaging doesn’t reflect your incredible mission, don’t delay.

Do you offer refunds?

No, once we start the work, you have access to my intellectual property and process, so there are no refunds.



I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations create clear, concise, and compelling messaging so they can increase their revenue and impact. After working at both nonprofits and for-profits, and I launched Signify to bridge the gap for small, purpose-driven organizations who needed a guide, partner, and champion to help them move their mission forward through messaging that stands out.